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Ascultă mai jos cântecul The Froggy Song for kids:
Versuri The Froggy Song for kids:
And danced to a silly song
He needed a bath
But said with a laugh
I don’t smell anything wrong!
A froggy played all day long
And danced to a silly song
He needed a bath
But said with a laugh
I don’t smell anything wrong!
Oh, what’s that smell?
A fraggy played all day lang
And danced to a silly sang
He needed a bathe
But said with a lafe
I don’t smell anything wrang!
Aah, what’s that smale?
EE freeggy played all day leeng
And danced to a silly seeng
He needed a beeth
But said with a leeff
I don’t smell anything wreeng!
Eh, what’s that smeell?
IY friyggy played all day liyng
And danced to a silly siyng
He needed a biyth
But said with a liyff
I don’t smell anything wriyng!
Ih, what’s that smile?
Oh frohggy played all day lowng
And danced to a silly song
He needed a both
But he said with a loaf
I don’t smell anything wrowng!
Ow, what’s that smoll?
Ooh froogy played all day loong
And danced to a silly soong
He needed a booth
But he said with a loof
I don’t smell anything roong!
Ooh, what’s that smooll?